Set out your ingredients, allowing the eggs and cream cheese to warm to room temperature Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F We chose Captain Morgan but any spiced rum will work

Mix together 1 Cup crushed Graham Crackers 3 Tbs melted Butter 2 Tbs granulated Sugar Press firmly into a 9" springform pan and bake for 10 minutes

Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees F

In a large stand mixer combine (3) 8oz packages of softened Cream Cheese 1/2 tsp Nutmeg 3 Tbs all purpose Flour 1 Cup granulated Sugar Mix until smooth and creamy

Add 2 room temperature Eggs 2 Tbs Spiced Rum 3/4 Cup Eggnog Mix until just combined, being careful not to over mix The batter should be thick, smooth and creamy

Pour the batter into the pre baked Graham Cracker crust springform pan Spread and smooth the batter with a spatula and by firmly setting the pan onto the counter 

Bake at 425 degrees F for 10 minutes Reduce the heat to 250 degrees F (leaving the cheesecake in the oven) and bake for an additional 45 minutes This cheesecake is done when it is puffed around the edges, with a slight jiggle in the middle

Turn off the oven and open the door slightly, allowing the cheesecake to cool in the oven for 30 minutes Remove and set on a cooling rack, allowing it to cool an additional 30 minutes Set the cheesecake in the fridge to cool another 2 hours for a firm set

Decorate this cheesecake with dollops of whipped cream and a dusting of nutmeg or cinnamon