Sourdough Waffles are a handy make ahead sourdough breakfast (or dinner) recipe your family will love. Get your busy day off to a nutritious start with this breakfast idea.
Watch the video to see how to make this waffle batter recipe. (Kids love this!)
We enjoy an occasional waffle breakfast recipe. I was so surprised when I made this excess sourdough starter recipe. The waffles were just as high as my crispy light waffles but made a completely different method.Pour some Pure maple syrup on one of these delicious waffles (Or try our homemade blueberry sauce or Roasted Raspberries on them). The tangy flavor in these waffles is really good with a sweet topping.
Add some bacon or sausage on the side. with an over easy egg or two if you have a really HUGE appetite and plan to plow the back 40. That will hold you over to dinner, most like.
One of my favorite ways to use waffles is actually for dinner. Large waffles like these are so filling and make a great base for meats and gravies. Sourdough waffles are a good choice for Savory Waffles and Gravy Recipe. Which makes a yummy breakfast OR dinner.
If you are new to the sourdough journey begin with our Homemade Beginner Artisan sourdough bread.

Sourdough Waffles made with your active or recently fed starter. Crispy and delicious in so many ways!
My biggest challenge with sourdough bread baking is coming up with starter ideas. I hate throwing my sourdough discard away.
Our blog has a collection of good sourdough discard recipes. I have busily collected and created several recipes for using up extra sourdough starter. Enjoy and feeding your family well.
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Sourdough Waffles Recipe Notes:
This recipe for Sourdough waffles uses Fed Starter:
As a sourdough baker you know the condition of your starter has a LOT to do with the recipe outcome. This recipe will reflect the energy in the starter like all sourdough recipes will.
Do not put an unfed starter in this healthy breakfast recipe and expect light and fluffy waffles with the crispiness you see here.
Make the sponge Ahead:
- Start the recipe the night before your breakfast (Or start the sponge in the morning for a dinner time waffle.)
- Take out your starter and make sure it’s fairly active before you begin this recipe. If it’s not active feed it with warm water and flour and let it sit in a warmish place for a few hours until it builds a structure of air bubbles.
- This waffle recipe is fun for kids. Kids love to help and this process lets them see how the sponge changes as it ferments. BEST is the baking soda reaction. There is Lots of bubble action in the batter.
- Sourdough Waffles make a handy freezer breakfast. Just cool the waffles to room temperature and tightly wrap them individually in plastic wrap. Now Pop em in the freezer.
- When you need a quick snack or breakfast pull the frozen waffle out of the freezer. Unwrap the waffle and stick it right in the toaster. These homemade sourdough waffles make a wonderful option to commercial freezer waffles.
- This recipe makes six LARGE filling waffles. Small children might only eat one quarter or two.

Sourdough Waffles Recipe
These Sourdough waffles are a handy make ahead breakfast your family will love. Use up your extra sourdough starter and get your busy day off to a nutritious start with these crispy filling waffles.
- 2 cups 50/50 blend- Whole wheat flour/ Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 2 cups buttermilk-90 degrees F
- 1 cup sourdough starter, fed or unfed
- 2 large eggs
- 1/4 cup butter, melted (or avocado oil)
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
To make the sponge:(for a Morning breakfast start the night before)
- Mix together the flour blend, warmed buttermilk and sugar in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
- Add 1 cup active sourdough starter. Cover loosely with plastic wrap. Let sit at room temperature 8 hours.
To make the waffle batter:
- Preheat your waffle iron.
- Whisk the eggs, butter, salt, and baking soda until light. Stir in the sponge. It should bubble up.
- Pour 1/2 cup batter onto the iron and Cook the waffle until the waffle is completely golden brown and cooked through. The edges should be firm and shiny.
- Pry the cooked waffle from the waffle iron gently with a fork.
- Repeat with the remaining batter.
- Serve the waffles hot off the griddle topped as you prefer.
The prep time in this recipe is both for making the sponge the night before and the time to finish the batter in the morning. The sponge requires an 8 hour ferment time.
The bake time is the maximum time it should take to cook all six waffles one after the other.
These waffles are great topped with homemade Blueberry sauce, pure organic maple syrup, or use this recipe to make My Savory Waffles and Gravy.
Leftover waffles can be frozen for a few weeks, and reheated in the toaster. Kids love them!
Nutrition Information
Amount Per Serving Calories 186
Original recipe by King Arthur.They have a lot of good sourdough recipes. Check them out!

Sunday 18th of February 2024
Dear Kayti and Diane, thank you so much for this recipe. I stumbled across your site a few weeks ago and tried them without much expectations. This are the waffles I was actually searching for decades. They remind me of the ones my grandmother made for me in my early childhood. I hope you don’t mind that I used your recipe for my german Blog:
Sunday 18th of February 2024
We are delighted you are enjoying this recipe. And thanks for letting us know you are sharing it out on your blog. Happy Baking!